Jennifer Trueland

nurse on home visit to patient
Nursing Standard

Preventing readmission: the power of just one phone call or home visit from a nurse

Study found nurses’ timely post-discharge follow-up cut patients’ readmission risk

Charlotte McArdle. Photo: PressEye
Nursing Standard

Managing healthcare without a government: it’s time to step up, says NI chief nurse

Charlotte McArdle wants nurses to take the lead in the transformation of health services

Jeane Freeman
Nursing Standard

‘We’re offering nurses the best deal in the UK’

Scotland’s health secretary is a former nurse who supports safe staffing legislation

Human rights artwork
Nursing Standard

Focusing on a patient’s human rights will help you resolve ethical dilemmas in practice

A human rights approach makes nursing care more person-centred

Couple talk to a nurse
Nursing Standard

If nurses won’t raise the subject of death with a patient, who will?

Why it’s important to have an honest conversation about an individual’s end of life care

Nursing Standard

Cautions against catheters

Nurses should constantly review the need to continue with catheters, says updated guidance

nurse washes her hands
Nursing Standard

Hand hygiene: even 100% compliance scores may be concealing hospitals’ dirty secrets

Audit is often flawed and is no substitute for examining prevalence of acquired infections

The continence team
Nursing Standard

Continence: why is such a serious issue so often overlooked?

A team of nurses is working to break the taboo around potentially life-threatening conditions

Leadership sessions
Nursing Standard

We can learn a lot about leadership from people who aren’t nurses

A training course with people far removed from nursing offers a fresh perspective

Carolyn Morrice
Nursing Standard

'We're creating the nursing roles of the future'

As a trust chief nurse, Carolyn Morrice is a pioneer of integrated care and new nursing roles

Person with dementia
Nursing Standard

How to recognise and treat pain in someone with dementia

When nurses ‘think pain’ and take appropriate action, it can transform patients’ lives

Claire Campbell
Nursing Standard

The impact of nutritional care on patient outcomes

Why getting people eating well can be the key to getting everything right

Sam Owen and patient
Nursing Standard

How a hospital food plan can tackle more than nutrition

Communal dining and food waste reduction go hand in hand with the Food for Life programme

Nursing Standard

What’s in a #name?

Five years since its launch, the hellomynameis campaign is still promoting compassionate care

LGBT staff in the workplace
Nursing Standard

The Stonewall effect: the positive difference an inclusive employer can make

Attitudes towards LGBT people have changed. Now health employers are catching up

Hospital patient in bed looking at iPad
Nursing Standard

‘We value your feedback’: what patient experience really tells us

The emphasis on feedback from service users is relatively new, but central to improving care

Nursing Standard

Patients’ spiritual needs: the conversations that can help

This vital, but often daunting, area of care starts with talking about what matters to people

Sara Lister
Nursing Standard

Spiritual and psychological support: the nurse-led team helping people cope with cancer

Nurse counsellors lead the pastoral care services at London’s Royal Marsden Hospital
