Jennifer Trueland

Nursing Standard

At what age are you too old to treat?

New research exposes a misconception that older people are more likely to refuse treatment following a cancer diagnosis. Nurses can play a role in obtaining more accurate assessments of older people and raising awareness that cancer risk rises with age.

Nursing Standard

Seeing cancer from a cultural perspective

Black and minority ethnic people are at risk of delayed cancer diagnoses because of language barriers and the social stigma attached to cancer in some communities. Nurses can help by acting as advocates for patients, and by being aware of the risks for different ethnic groups.

Nursing Standard

Be aware and beat the odds

Denton Wilson discovered he had prostate cancer aged 42, shortly after losing his father to the disease. Eighteen years later he is still raising awareness among black men. Nurses should understand the increased risks for black men of having and dying from prostate cancer.

Nursing Management

‘I wanted to be boss’

Lesley Gaw went into management so she could influence what goes on

Nursing Standard

When fear becomes the barrier to care

A pilot clinic run by Barts Health NHS Trust in London offers cervical screening and psychological support to women who have experienced rape or sexual assault but are reluctant to go to a doctor. Its founder Pavan Amara, herself a rape survivor, is about to start nurse training this autumn.

Nursing Standard

We took up the fight against Ebola

Following the Ebola outbreak in west Africa last year, UK military nurses joined the international response. Three military nurses who travelled to the crisis zone recall their experiences of working in treatment centres in Sierra Leone to help tackle the spread of the virus.

Nursing Standard

Keeping fit for purpose

Walton Centre NHS Foundation Trust in Liverpool has introduced a popular programme of subsidised fitness classes and wellbeing activities for staff. The cost of the programme has been more than recouped by reducing sickness absence and reliance on agency staff.

Nursing Standard

Home comfort helps healing

Parents of hospitalised children can benefit from ‘home-away-from-home’ accommodation provided by Ronald McDonald House Charities. The free accommodation, available at children’s hospitals across the UK, helps to maintain family life while supporting a sick child.

Nursing Standard

Feedback is catalyst for high-quality care

Serious concerns about care received by some patients at Whipps Cross Hospital in London led to the creation of the Gold Standard Framework, informed by consultation with patients, families and staff. At the heart of the framework is a focus on dignity and compassion.

Nursing Standard

Sickle cell comes out of the shadows

A patient feedback tool has been developed to capture the experience of patients with sickle cell disease. Led by the Picker Institute Europe, the tool aims to shed light on a ‘hidden’ condition and drive service improvement.

Nursing Standard

Why should I have to use a catheter?

Rethinking continence care assumptions could reduce infection rates and save the NHS millions. Jennifer Trueland reports on an ambitious campaign

Nursing Management

In nursing you need business nous and compassion

Dame Donna Kinnear says a job in Marks and Spenser helped prepare her for nursing management

Nursing Standard

Champs make their voice heard

As part of the first cohort of Diabetes UK local clinical champions, Claire Neely and Ruth Miller have been supported by the charity to develop as leaders and improve care for people with diabetes. The champion role – created last year and open to all clinicians – has ‘turbo-charged’ their influence.

Nursing Standard

When you need to have a quiet word

A communications masterclass at Northumbria University shows nurses and other healthcare professionals how to manage difficult conversations with patients and families. Participants learn to empathise, avoid being defensive and de-escalate emotional situations.

Learning Disability Practice

In hospital, but not ill

More than 300 people with learning disabilities are still in long-term NHS care in Scot- land, although nurses say that around 120 of them are ready for discharge, watchdogs have revealed.

Learning Disability Practice

New government, fresh start in scotland?

Before this year’s election, the Scottish National Party (SNP) leader Alex Salmond made what he presumably thought was a point-scoring speech.
