Erin Dean

Nursing Standard

Red flags for patient safety: are unsafe practices in danger of being normalised?

The staffing crisis is eroding care standards from primary care to critical care

Nursing Standard

Negligence complaints: your potential role in the NHS Resolution process

What to expect from mediation, plus tips on how to prepare to give evidence

Nursing Standard

Effective communication: how to talk to patients about pain

The right questions and a non-judgemental approach can help you manage pain better

A nurse standing at the hospital bedside of a young child is watched by the child as she holds a file on which she is filling out a paediatric early warning system chart
Emergency Nurse

How the new paediatric early warning system works and what it means for you

The system offers a standardised approach to responding when a child becomes seriously unwell

Nursing Standard

Student hardship funds: what am I entitled to and how can I apply?

The support available if you find yourself struggling to make ends meet

News coverage
Nursing Standard

Protect your well-being: how to stay calm when the world feels chaotic

Ways to maintain your focus and balance in the face of relentless grim news

Nursing Standard

Bedbugs: identifying an infestation and what to advise patients

How to recognise and treat the bites and reduce your risk of bedbug exposure at work

Learning Disability Practice

Can a new training programme help fix the learning disability nurse shortage?

An innovative approach used in Plymouth could help pave the way to attracting new recruits

Nursing Standard

What does a gender identity nurse specialist do – and could it be your next career move?

Find out about the role, the career development opportunities and the skills required

Nursing Standard

Meet the nurses eliminating race-based inequalities in healthcare services

Nurses discuss how they challenge bias – find out about promoting diversity at Nursing Live

Nursing Standard

Why nursing is undervalued – and how to challenge perceptions

Flawed perceptions of the profession are common. Find out how to articulate its value

Nursing Standard

Urgent response in the community: could this be your next career move?

Community response teams need nurses who want to lead and practise autonomously

Nursing Standard

De-escalation techniques: 7 tips for handling conflict situations

Tension occurs in every setting – these skills can help you manage it and stay calm

Nursing Standard

Menopause-friendly workplace: 6 ways to be a supportive manager if staff are struggling

Tips on showing compassion at a time when many women feel forced to give up work

Nursing Standard

What is imposter syndrome – and what can you do about it?

Imposter syndrome can erode self-confidence, but there are ways to defuse its negativity

Nursing Standard

When a patient dies: how nurses in different settings cope with death

Advice and strategies to cope with the feelings you have after the death of a patient

Nursing Standard

Blood transfusion risk: what you need to know to practise safely

How to avoid mistakes in the process that can have devastating consequences

A nurse in green scrubs looks out a window looking pensive and anxious
Nursing Standard

Perimenopause symptoms: the impact on nurses’ home and work lives

The effects can be devastating. Learn more about it at Nursing Live, RCNi’s unique event
