Erin Dean

Nursing Standard

No space for breaks: staff rooms are too small, too grubby or non-existent

Even when you can take time out at work, are the facilities fit for purpose?

Nursing Older People

How nurses can help guard against risk of sepsis among vulnerable care home residents

Older people living in care homes face an almost perfect storm of risk factors for sepsis

Nursing Standard

Dysphagia assessment and treatment: how to support patients with eating and drinking

Your guide to identifying signs and risks, plus practical steps to aid swallowing

Nursing Standard

Stroke response: how to act FAST and support recovery

Ensure your patients get the best care, from emergency treatment to rehabilitation referral

Nursing Standard

Frightened to phone in sick? You’re not alone, survey finds

Presenteeism and how ill health doesn’t feel like a good enough reason to stay off work

Nursing Standard

Admiral Nurses: what do these varied roles in dementia care involve?

Find out about the CV you need, and the salary and career development you can expect

Nursing Standard

Migraine: how to head off symptoms and when to seek medical advice

Find out what you and your employer can do to reduce severity or even prevent onset

Emergency Nurse

Advice on how to identify symptoms and diagnose serious infectious illness in children

Paediatric early warning score could help to identify children at risk of serious illness

Nursing Standard

Steep rise in NHS staff absence: do you feel under pressure to fill the gaps?

Find out about your rights to time off as your work life hits new levels of stress

Nursing Standard

Are you a disordered eater? How being a nurse could be putting you at risk

Protected mealtimes are helpful to patients, so maybe it’s time you had them too

Skin damage caused by PPE
Nursing Standard

COVID-19: how to avoid skin damage while wearing PPE

Expert advice for nurses on minimising the effects of prolonged use of masks and visors

Nursing Standard

Self-rostering and e-rostering: flexible ways to schedule shifts

Challenges, benefits and guidance for the implementation of alternative rostering methods

Nursing Standard

Coping with work stress: are you turning to food, alcohol or antidepressants?

Our well-being survey suggests many nurses are struggling to find healthy outlets for stress

Preparing for a tutorial
Nursing Standard

Preparing for a tutorial: tips and advice for students

Lecturer and nurse Amy Dopson’s guide to getting the most out of these one-to-one sessions

Nursing Standard

Maternity leave and pay: what nurses are entitled to and employers’ obligations

A guide to the complex rules on pay and time off for pregnant staff and their partners

Nursing Standard

Diabetes distress and denial: finding ways to help patients cope with their diagnosis

For some people, diagnosis and the ensuing lifestyle changes can be overwhelming

Nursing Standard

How to improve patient care – and save the planet at the same time

Small sustainable changes can make a huge impact on the health of your patients and the world

Nursing Standard

What does being a Queen’s Nurse mean and could it improve your practice?

The title recognises high standards of person-centred care in community nursing
