Expert advice

Anti-strike law: what does it mean and can I be compelled to work?

The power the legislation gives employers, and the implications for future strike action

Gender dysphoria in young people: what you need to know

Distress, confusion and shame can affect young people, but nurses can offer support

What discounts can you get this summer as a NHS worker?

Take advantage of special offers, including holidays, meals and theatre trips

Infection risks from outdoor swimming: what to look out for and how to advise patients

Symptoms nurses should be aware of when people become ill after outdoor water sports

What is your body language saying to patients? Tips for improving communication

How small adjustments to your body language can help build the therapeutic relationship

How you can improve the care of care home residents living with diabetes

A short guide to the latest national recommendations for diabetes management in care homes

Tax refunds: how to make sure you are getting what you are owed

You may be able to claim hundreds of pounds in backdated tax relief for work-related costs

How words can hurt: tips on avoiding language that stigmatises patients and diseases

Certain terms have the power to belittle or frighten patients, and even affect outcomes

Blood transfusion risk: what you need to know to practise safely

How to avoid mistakes in the process that can have devastating consequences

What you need to know about DNACPR and people with learning disabilities

The facts and rules about this recommendation play a critical role for everyone concerned

Survival guide to working in the hot weather: how to stay cool on shift

Nursing work can be extra-punishing in the heat, but some simple actions can help

What to do if you are not getting the training you need

Your options if you lack study time or clinical supervision for professional development

How to deliver the best mouth care for patients at the end of life

Tips on mouth problems and treatments, from the authors of an RCN best practice guide

Strike ballot: what are the next steps, and is fair pay still possible?

With further industrial action off the table in England, we consider the implications

Cellulitis: symptoms, causes and detection in all skin tones

Find out how to prevent, identify and treat cellulitis to avoid severe complications

Active listening: what is it and how can I use it effectively?

Tips on honing your communication skills to improve outcomes

Epilepsy and sudden unexpected death in children: what nurses need to know about SUDEP

Up to 80% of epilepsy-related deaths could be avoided with improved access to services

Find the right words: how to support colleagues’ English language competence

Verbal and written skills are safety-critical, so staff from overseas may need support

