Your views

Nursing associates and assistant practitioners: let’s end the needless rivalry

These nurse support roles are similar but different, and deserve equal respect

Readers’ panel: Are protected mealtimes for nurses needed to tackle workforce obesity?

Lack of breaks and junk food availability are said to contribute to nurses being overweight

Should hospitals employ people to enforce blanket smoking bans – even in parked cars?

Sandwell and West Birmingham NHS Trust has a site-wide smoking ban. Readers have their say

Is it ever acceptable to expect nurses to take a pay cut?

With bank staff at one trust facing a pay cut of up to 20%, our readers have their say

Readers’ panel: Should national nursing uniforms be introduced in England?

Congress debated whether England should adopt national uniforms, like the rest of the UK

Should entry requirements be lowered to help fill empty places on nursing courses?

Our readers’ panel members have their say on the Open University’s suggestion

Readers’ panel: Should unvaccinated children be banned from school?

Health secretary Matt Hancock won’t rule out banning unvaccinated children from school

Should nurses have to report young people at risk of being caught up in knife crime?

A consultation could result in nurses being required to report young people at risk

Readers’ panel: Is investment in nursing degree apprenticeships value for money?

NHS Employers reveals cost of training apprentices is far higher than undergraduate nurses

Readers’ panel: Should nurses be allowed to take naps on night shifts?

The Health Foundation is funding research on support for staff working night shifts

Readers’ panel: Are nurses in Jersey right to hold out for pay parity?

RCN members in Jersey are seeking permission to ballot on industrial action over pay

Is it time to resist the idea support staff are part of the nurse shortage solution?

Nursing Standard readers have their say on the impact of diluting the skill mix

Readers’ panel: Is it right to expect nurses to be role models for healthy weight? 

Clinicians who are obese are less able to give patients health advice, says NHS England

Readers’ panel: Was Matt Hancock right to say use of agency staff is ‘demoralising’?

The health secretary vowed to tackle agency spend. Nursing Standard readers have their say

Readers’ panel: Are efforts to increase flu vaccination rates for nurses excessive?

Readers comment on calls for front-line staff who do not have the flu jab to be redeployed

Where is the support for our struck-off nursing colleague?

Nurse Isabel Amaro received little support from her profession, unlike her colleague, doctor...

Does a ‘put up and shut up’ culture pervade the NHS?

RCN mental health forum chair Ed Freshwater says bullying is not taken seriously enough

Readers’ panel: What should the new health and social care secretary prioritise?

Nursing Standard readers have their say on what Matt Hancock should focus on

