CPD articles

Our continuing professional development (CPD) articles are designed to assist with your nursing skills and practice.

Sexual health and well-being in later life

This article defines sexual health and explores the changes people experience in later life

How therapeutic communication can reduce distress in people with dementia

Newcastle Model’s biopsychosocial framework is revisited to understand the caregiving context

Osteoporosis and fragility fractures: risk assessment, management and prevention

Nurses need to be aware of the risk factors and identify at-risk patients

Understanding and managing depression in older people

Clinicians do not always recognise depression in older people as they attribute symptoms to...

Helping people live with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

How nurses can have a positive effect on the lives of people with COPD

Effective communication with older people

Nurses can overcome communication barriers through thoughtful interventions

Approaches to managing older people using opiates and their risk of dependence

There is little doubt that opiates have transformed healthcare, particularly in relation to...

Ethical practice in dementia care

Case study examples of challenging ethical situations that might be encountered

Sexuality and sexual intimacy in later life

Sexuality is as important in older age as it is throughout life, and its expression can be...

Maintaining skin health in older people

Skin changes associated with age are inevitable. Ageing is associated with structural and...

Assessment, prevention and treatment of faecal incontinence in older people

Faecal incontinence is an impaired ability to control the passage of stool, often described...

Assessment and management of older people with venous leg ulcers

A venous leg ulcer (VLU) is defined as the loss of skin below the knee on the leg or foot in...

Care of older patients with delirium in hospital

This article aims to assist nurses and nursing students to consider the presentation of...

Approaches to acute pain management in older people

Pain is a diverse, individual experience and is associated with distress and suffering....

Importance of nutrition in preventing and treating pressure ulcers

Pressure ulcers are painful, and affect patients’ health, mobility and well-being. They also...

Caring for patients with Parkinson’s disease in general hospital settings

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a common progressive neurological condition. There are 127,000...

Assessment, prevention and management of skin tears

Skin tears are common in older people. They are acute wounds that are at high risk of...

Pressure ulcer prevention in care home settings

Pressure ulcer prevention in the care home setting can be challenging and is often...

