
Making change happen: how to introduce fresh ideas and bring your colleagues with you

Implement and sustain your vision with maximum collaboration and minimum stress

Violence against nurses: why do so many attacks go unreported?

How to support colleagues, increase reporting and response to incidents

Personalised care: how to prioritise shared decision-making in your practice

Practical steps you can take to make this key NHS goal part of everyday patient care

Your guide to RCN congress 2021

All you need to know about this year’s amended programme, educational events and lectures

12-hour shifts: love them or loathe them?

Compressed working hours may afford you more time off, but pose questions about safety

Compassion in nursing: how to develop and maintain your skills

It’s an essential part of nursing, but should extend beyond patient care to self-care

Remote working: how to use communication skills to improve team cohesion and well-being

Some systems set up to keep in touch during the pandemic are here to stay

How to survive night shifts: advice on protecting your health and well-being

Sleep expert Steven Lockley’s tips to help you establish good routines around night shifts

Shame, stigma and not making a fuss – why nurses fear seeking help when at rock bottom

Nurse suicide attempts rose during the pandemic. Help for you or a colleague

Back pain: how to combat it if you have it, and prevent it if you don’t

The right equipment, exercise and work culture can help you avoid what might seem inevitable

How to delegate – and how not to: tips on team working and leadership

Delegation develops staff skills and confidence. Here’s what you need to know to do it well

Why are pay and conditions different for non-NHS nurses?

Pay varies widely in other settings, but calls for standardisation may not be welcomed by all

Hydration at work: how is your employer helping staff cope with long, hot shifts in PPE?

The pandemic has compounded long-standing problems of inadequate breaks and dehydration

Hair racism: the everyday prejudice black nursing staff face at work

Workplaces can marginalise staff of African-Caribbean heritage who chose afro styling

What happens now: the state of nursing after the COVID-19 pandemic

Six nurse leaders discuss how the past 18 months have affected their workplaces

Maths anxiety: how to conquer your fears and calculate with confidence

Reduce your risk of medications errors by becoming comfortable with numbers

Racism in the NHS: why nurses say structural discrimination is not a thing of the past

Prejudice remains alive and well, insist black and minority ethnic nurses’ groups

Demoralised and let down: your response to pay offer ‘insult’ after year of sacrifices

What nurses told a Nursing Standard-Sunday Mirror survey about pay, staffing and the pandemic

