
No space for breaks: staff rooms are too small, too grubby or non-existent

Even when you can take time out at work, are the facilities fit for purpose?

Chronic pain: supporting colleagues living and working with this invisible disability

Learn more about support and self-care at Nursing Live, RCNi’s unique event

Frightened to phone in sick? You’re not alone, survey finds

Presenteeism and how ill health doesn’t feel like a good enough reason to stay off work

Crumbling NHS hospital buildings: how mental health is at the back of the funding queue

What chance do trusts have of winning much-needed investment in their bricks and mortar?

Steep rise in NHS staff absence: do you feel under pressure to fill the gaps?

Find out about your rights to time off as your work life hits new levels of stress

Are you a disordered eater? How being a nurse could be putting you at risk

Protected mealtimes are helpful to patients, so maybe it’s time you had them too

Presents from patients: when is accepting a Christmas gift not allowed?

Patients may want to show appreciation, but there are rules about gifts to staff

ECT: what is it, what should it be used to treat and is it effective?

An audit of UK electroconvulsive therapy services has highlighted questions around its use

Trauma-informed care: why it should be part of every nurse’s practice

One in three adults has experienced trauma, which can affect mental and physical health

How to improve patient care – and save the planet at the same time

Small sustainable changes can make a huge impact on the health of your patients and the world

Alcohol and substance misuse among nurses: overcoming fear and stigma to ask for help

Pandemic pressures have contributed to problems for many, but support is available

Dying at home: not enough community staff to support a good death, nurses say

Survey highlights ‘perfect storm’ of too few staff and more end of life care at home

Lone working: safety measures to support nurses at risk of abuse or attack

Nurses who work alone are particularly vulnerable. Here’s how teams can prioritise safety

Your guide to RCN congress 2021

All you need to know about this year’s amended programme, educational events and lectures

How to survive night shifts: advice on protecting your health and well-being

Sleep expert Steven Lockley’s tips to help you establish good routines around night shifts

Shame, stigma and not making a fuss – why nurses fear seeking help when at rock bottom

Nurse suicide attempts rose during the pandemic. Help for you or a colleague

When patients don’t take their medication: how to tackle non-adherence

What you can do to help reduce medicines wastage and improve patients’ health

What happens now: the state of nursing after the COVID-19 pandemic

Six nurse leaders discuss how the past 18 months have affected their workplaces

