Nick Evans

Nurse’s head and shoulders seen from behind. She stands in front of a blackboard that has a conceptual bar chart suggesting nurse pay and conditions are in decline

If you feel close to quitting your degree, what would persuade you to stay the course?

Better clinical placements and the promise of fair pay – the support students deserve

A general practice nurse holding her notes talks to a woman and child

General practice nurses: get the lowdown on pay and pensions

How to boost pay, terms and conditions by knowing your worth and negotiating

Illustration showing two nurses in uniform sheltering under a double umbrella, as arrows rain down on them, suggesting the nurses are under attack

Advanced nursing practice: is it under attack and, if so, why?

The role is often misunderstood – as highlighted in the debate over physician associates

A patient, seen from behind, talks in confidence to a nurse in uniform who is holding a clipboard

Is it ever okay to breach patient confidentiality as a nurse?

Advice for students on whether disclosing information is permitted in any circumstance

Five arms out-stretched from all sides into centre of the frame. Each hand holds a cog that fit together to illustrate teamwork in nursing

Teamwork: how it can boost your confidence, reduce errors, and make you a better nurse

Positive culture and leadership helps you and your colleagues strive for a shared purpose

A sad-looking young man sits on a park bench alone smoking a cigarette

Physical health and well-being: how you can help service users

People living with severe mental illness often experience poor physical health

Top half of clock-face, with the word deadline emblazoned on it, the time showing six minutes to midnight. Revalidation deadlines can induce panic in NMC registrants

Help! My revalidation is looming and I’m worried I’ve left it too late to get started

Don’t panic – let our portfolio tool take the strain out of organising your documents

Taking part in riskier activities: an older woman prepares to go on a zip line in the woods

Are care homes too risk averse and curtailing residents’ freedoms?

How you can help people in care homes take part in everyday and more risky activities

A young woman with Down’s syndrome makes the shape of a heart

How to promote cardiovascular health in people with learning disabilities

Nurses can manage risks with regular check-ups, lifestyle support and monitoring medicine

An older black man in a sickle cell disease consultation with a primary care nurse

What you need to know about caring for people with sickle cell disease

With shortages of sickle cell disease nurses, primary care nurses have a vital role to play

Patient consent

Navigating patient consent: tips for nursing students

Practical advice on the fundamentals of consent and determining capacity

Image of a male and a female nurse in uniform walking forwards with their arms outstretched backwards and palms upward indicating refusal

Can I refuse to care for a patient as a nursing student?

If and when refusal to treat may be acceptable on placement – and how to deal with issues

Delayed discharge: steps you can take to support patients and help get them home

How ‘discharge to assess’ systems and early planning can cut delays

How to create safe discharge pathways for learning disability inpatients

Hospital teams can provide support to patients in their return to the community

What is a creative health placement?

Students and patients can benefit from the therapeutic power of the arts in healthcare

Intensive care: conquering fear and learning confidence for this highly complex setting

Simulation is a safe place to learn from mistakes and identify patient deterioration

What has changed in vaccine uptake for people with learning disabilities since COVID-19?

Nurses can help make the vaccine experience a more positive one

Who’s in charge when patients are in bed limbo?

New guidance aims to clarify clinical responsibility for patients who are ‘between wards’
